![]() |
Fayette County PA |
His connection to his father is also confirmed by his father’s pension records. After Michael’s death, John became the administrator of his estate, and applied to the court for any pension money left to his father. This pension record names all of John’s siblings as well.
His family had moved to Harrison County, (now West) Virginia shortly after John was born, by about 1805. There he grew up and married. John was probably married twice. His first wife is believed to have been Elizabeth Baker, by whom he had his first four children:
Lafayette Bock b. 1828 Harrison County (W)VA: d. 13 Jul 1858 Marion, (W)VA; never married
Martin M. Bock b. 1829 Harrison County (W)VA; d. 10 Sep 1894 Marion (W)VA
John S. Bock b. 1831 Harrison County (W)VA; d. 02 Jun 1856 Marion (W)VA; never married
Nancy Bock b. 1831 Harrison County (W)VA; d. 8 Nov 1916 Farmington, Marion, West Virginia; m. Aba Cunningham 1853
John is listed living next to his brothers (Michael Jr., David, Solomon and Nicholas), and his father (therein called Michael Sr), in the 1830 Census.
John Bock in his own household for the 1830 Census in Harrison County, Virginia. |
1830 United States Federal Census
John Bock
Home in 1830 (City, County, State):
District, Harrison, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5:
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:
Free White Persons - Under 20:
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:
Total Free White Persons:
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored):
John Bock in the 1840 Census, in Harrison County, Virginia. |
1840 United States Federal Census
John Bock
Home in 1840 (City, County, State):
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14:
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39:
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39:
Persons Employed in Agriculture:
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write:
Free White Persons - Under 20:
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:
Total Free White Persons:
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:
The part of Harrison County in which he lived (the southern half) became Marion County in 1842. So, it was in Marion County that John met and married his second wife. Elizabeth must have died shortly after her last child was born, he married Mahala Ensminger. Their marriage certificate confirms
Mahala's maiden name, Ensminger, and gives date and place of marriage, 14 Oct
1845 Marion County VA(WV).
John and Mahala had the following children:
Mary Ann Bock b. 1848 Marion County VA(WV)
Lindsay Bock (m) b. 1849 Marion County VA(WV)
William W. Bock b. 1851 Marion County VA(WV)
Michael Leon Bock b. 1855 Marion County VA(WV)
Martha Bock b. 1857 Marion County VA(WV)
In 1848, John and Mahala were involved in a deed as part of the probate process on land that belonged to Nicholas Bock, John’s brother. It names John’s siblings as heirs of Nicholas, who must have died without issue:
2 } Deed
David Bock }
This Indenture made this 5th day of May in the year 1848, between Michael Bock and Hannah his wife Nicholas Bock and Amelia his wife, John Bock and Mahala his wife, Solomon Bock and Margaret his wife, Abigal Shaver, Mary Bock, Sally Bock, George Ensminger and Margaret his wife of the first part and David Bock of the seond part, all of the county of Marion and state of Virginia. Witnesseth that the said parties of the first for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enscoff release and confirm unto the said David Bock his heirs and assigns forever, all their right title interest and claim as heirs at law of Nicholas Bock dec’d in and to a certain lot or piece of land, lying and being in the county of Marion and state of Virginia, situate on the waters of Helens run, adjoining lands of John Bock, Michael Bock & others, and is bounded as follows towit, beginning at a white oak corner to Donone? & Cuningham and runing South 81 1/2 W 1111 poles to a stake thence N 57 W 92 1/2 poles to a Hickory thence N 160 111 3/4 poles to a chestnut oak stump, thence N 73 E 16 to a white oak stump thence N 62 - 68 poles to a white oak, thence N 71 1/2 E 32 to a white oak S 410 W 26 to a hickory S by E 76 to a chesnut oak, N 10 E 31 !/2 to the Begining containing Eighty seven and a half acres. To have and to hold the above described premises with the appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him the said David Bock his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Michaeal Bock & Hannah his wife, Nicholas Bock and Amelia his wife, John Bock an Mahala his wife, Solomon Bock and Margaret his wife, Mary Bock, Sally Bock, Abigal Shaver, George Ensminger and Margaret his wife, for themselves and their heirs do hereby covenant to and with the said David Bock Bock (sic) his heirs and assigns that they will forever covenant and defend the above described promises to the said David Bock his heirs or assigns ever from the claim or claims of all persons claiming the same by through or under them.
In Testimony whereof the said Michael Bock & Hannah his wife, Nicholas Bock & Amelia his wife, John Bock & Mahala his wife, Solomon Bock and Margaret his wife, Mary Bock, Sally Bock, Abigal Shaver, George Ensminger and Margaret his wife, have hereunto set there hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written.
Amelia (her + Mark) Bock
Solomon (his + mark) Bock
Margaret (her X mark) Bock
John Bock
Mahlia (X) Bock
George (his X mark) Entsminger
Margaret (^) Enstminger
Abigal (}) Shaver
Sarah (his X mark) Bock
Mary (hir X mark) Bock
Marion County Court:
We John Michael and H. T. Morgan Justice of the Peace in the county aforesaid in the state of Virginia do hereby certify that Nicholas Bock, Solomon Bock, John Bock, George Entsminger, Abigal Shaver, Sarah Bock and Mary Bock parties to the within deed, bearing date fifth day May 1848 and hereunto ???? formally appeared before me in our county office, siad and acknowleged the same to be their act and deed and desire us to cirtify the said deed may be recorded.
It is interesting to note that John’s sister, Margaret, also married an Ensminger, George. Margaret’s husband may have been the brother of Mahala (Ensminger) Bock, John’s wife. It is also interesting to note that this deed names the watercourse near which the family lived, Helen’s Run, which is a tributary of the Monongahela River. Helen’s Run is within two miles of Farmington, and within five miles of Morgantown.
In 1850 he is still living in Marion County VA, with his wife Mahala and the children. Living near him are sister Sarah, and brother Solomon Bock.
John Bock with his family in the 1850 Census in Marion County, (now West) Virginia. |
1850 United States Federal Census
John Bock
Birth Year:
Home in 1850:
District, Marion, Virginia
Family Number:
Household Members:
In 1860, they are still living in Marion County, and Mahala's mother, Margaret (Crouser) Ensminger is living with them.
John Bock with his family in the 1860 Census in Marion County, (now West) Virginia. The last member listed here, Margaret Ensminger, was Mahala's 71 year old mother. |
1860 United States Federal Census
John Boch
Age in 1860:
Birth Year:
Home in 1860:
6, Marion, Virginia
Post Office:
Household Members:
John Bock with his family in the 1870 Census in Marion County, (now West) Virginia. |
1870 United States Federal Census
John Bock
Age in 1870:
Birth Year:
Home in 1870:
Marion, West Virginia
Post Office:
Household Members:
Marion County Deaths pg. 70 1875 - 1884 BOCK, John died: 4/14/1877 age: n/g parents: Michael & n/g wife: Mahala son: M.M. [Martin M.] Bock
His death record gives his date and place of death, and his wife's and his father's name. The informant was his son Martin M. Bock:
West Virginia, Deaths Index, 1853-1973
John Bock
Birth Place:
Death Date:
Apr 1877
Death Place:
County, West Virginia
Father Name:
FHL Film Number:
It is still
uncertain where he was buried.