Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jesse Day 1775-1840 (100010)

Jesse Day was probably born in Brunswick County Virginia about 1775. It is probable that his father was Oliver Day who owned land on Rattlesnake Creek, which is a tributary of Lick Branch (and the same watercourse on which John Hearne lived, who was father to Jesse's wife). The deeds to the land on which Jesse Day lived listed the same neighbors as Oliver Day's land.

Map showing how Brunswick VA
& Northampton NC share a border.

The watercourses on which Jesse's family lived meander along the border between Brunswick County, Virginia, and Northampton County, North Carolina. Deed records confirm that Jesse Day's extended family owned land in both counties (and states). Analysis of associated families also suggests a relationship with the Days of Southampton County, Virginia.

Jesse's birthdate is taken from careful analysis of the records: In the 1820 Census Jesse is listed as between 26 and 45, so born between 1775 and 1794. In the 1810 Census he is 26-44, so born between 1766-1784. Given that he must have been 21 when he first appeared in the 1796 tax list, his birth date must be about 1775.

1796-1798--Jesse Day shows up in Brunswick County VA Personal Tax lists from 1796-1798 (1798 is when the microfilm ended). There were no other Days listed during these years, or before (going back to 1782 when the list began). To be over 21 in 1796, Jesse would have to have been born by 1775. This fits with the census data for him as well.

1798--Jesse married Elizabeth Hearn in Brunswick County VA, on 29 Mar 1798, according to a Brunswick County marriage record:
Virginia Marriages to 1800 Virginia Marriages to 1800:
Spouse 1:        Day, Jesse        
Spouse 2:        Hearn, Elizabeth        
Marriage Date:        29 Mar 1798        
Marriage Location:        Virginia Brunswick County

They had the following children:
1) James Day b. abt 1799 Brunswick VA, d. aft 16 Jul 1864 Fayette TN
2) Minerva T. Day b. abt 1806 Brunswick VA, d. bef 3 Feb 1868 Lauderdale TN m. John Henry Summerow 9 Sep 1820 Rutherford TN
3) Willey Green Day b. 5 Aug 1808 Brunswick VA, d. unknown, m. Judith F. Lee 25 Jan 1846 Shelby TN
4) Ellen G. Day b. 1809 Brunswick VA, d. after 1860, m. unknown Montague
5) John Lewis Day b. 1812 Brunswick VA, d. abt 1860 Fayette TN

In April of 1799, Jesse purchased land on Lick Branch in Brunswick County from James Huskey:
Brunswick County VA Deed Book 17, p. 284 Huskey to Day:
This Indenture made this nineteenth day of April one Thousand seven hundred & ninety nine between James Huskey of the County of Brunswick & State of Virginia of the one part and Jessee Day of the same State and County aforesaid, witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of fifty eight pounds fifteen shillings to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and therefore doth release acquit & discharge, the said Jessee Day, his Heirs, Exors, Admtors or assigns, firmly by these presents, he the said James Huskey has granted bargained, sold, alliened, and confirmed & by these presents, doth grant, bargain, sell, alien & confirm unto the said Jesse Day his heirs & assigns a certain Tract or Parcel of Land situated, lying and being in the State & County aforesaid on the East side of lick Branch containing by estimation ninety-four Acres be the same more or less & bounded as follows: Beginning at Owen M. Fletcher's Line, at a scrub white oak. Thence along the Line of William Jones dec'd to the Lick Branch, thence up the meanders of the said Branch To be bounded by the same unto John Williamson's Line, thence along the said Williamson's Line to a corner Pine on Owen M. Fletcher's Line, thence along the said Fletcher's Line to the Beginning. It being the Land where on John Huskey formerly lived. And all Houses, Buildings, waters, water courses, Orchards, profits, commodities, hiredcliments? & appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises hereby granted or any part thereof belonging or in any wise coppertaining & the adversion? & reversions, Remainders, rents, Issues & profits thereof and also all the estate right, Title, Interest, use, Trust, property, Claims & demand whatsoever of him the said James Huskey of, in & to the sd premises & all deeds, evidences& Writings, toughching or in any wise concerning the same. And the said James Huskey, doth covenant, promise & grant to & with the sd Jessee Day his heirs, Execs, admtors or assigns, that he has good Powers lawful & absolute Authrity to grant & convey the same unto the said Jesse Day his heirs & assigns in manner & form aforesaid, And the said premises now are forever here after shall remain & be clear, free of & from all former, Bargains, sales, dowers, Rights & Title of dowers, Judgments, Executions, Titles, Rents, charges & Hindrances whatsoever made done committed or suffered by the Said Huskey or any person or person whatsoever with the apputenancy unto the said Jesse Day his Heirs & assigns, against him the said Huskey, his heirs & assigns, all & any person or persons, shall warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness hereof the said James Huskey has here unto set his hand & seal this twenty-second day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine --
James Huskey
Signed, sealed & Delivered]
In the Presence of us]
[No witness signatures]
Brunswick County Court of April 22nd, 1799. This Indention & Bargain & Sale was acknowledged by James Huskey to be his act and Deed as and or here to be record.
Teste, Herbert Hill CBC

Brunswick County, Virginia, Deed Book 17, page 284
Brunswick County, Virginia, Deed Book 17, page 285

In 1803, Jesse Day was listed as a buyer at the estate sale of Harmon Read (5 Jan 1803) in Brunswick County, Virginia [Brunswick Co VA Will Books 1804-1812 975.5575 P2br Vol 5].

In 1809 he purchased more land in Brunswick County [Day, Jesse from George Clayborne  1809 Bk 20 p. 454].

Day-Claiborne Deed 1809 Brunswick Deed Book 
This Indenture made this twenty Sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred nine between George N Claiborne of the county of Warren & State of North Caarolina of the one part and Jesse Day of the County of Brunswick & State of Virginia on the other part, Witnesseth that the said George N Claiborn for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted & sold alient and delivered and by these presents doth bargain sell alien & deliver unto the said Jesse Day his certain attorney her heirs Executors administrators and assigns one certain tract or parcel  of land situate lying and being in the county of Brunswick aforesaid. Bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at a Hickory on Edward Throwers line N 2 E 62 Poles to a corner white oak thence along
p. 455
Said Throwers line N 50 E 29 Poles to a corner sassafras bush thence S 80 W at 98 Crossing Parrington Road 128 poles to the Edge of an old field and corner at a rotten stump thence N 80 W 56 poles To a bunch of Sassaphras Bushes on a small branch thence down said Branch as it meanders to a large Hollow Poplar on Little Jinito Creek thence up the said creek as it meanders to a small sweet gumm on John Drummonds line thence along said Drummonds line to the old ford of Huskey's Creek where Throwers line crosses the said Creek thence along Throwers line to the Beginning Containing by survey Two hundred and thirty four acres be they some more or less to have and to hold the said Bargains & premises together with all mines minerals metals woods underwood waters and water courses Houses Barns and whatsoever may legally appertain thereunto In as full and complete assurances as I myself have held the same unto him the said Jesse Day his heirs testators administrators  and assigns forever and do hereby warrant and defend  forever the title of the said Bargained premises unto him the said Jesse Day his heirs Executors administrators or assigns against the claim Title or Interest of all and every other person or person Whatsoever In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of 
Teste                                 George N Claiborne
James J Harrison
John Chamblys
Rubin B. Huke
Brunswick County Court June 25 1809 This indenture of bargain  & sale was acknowledged by George N Claiborne party  thereto to be his act & Deed & ordered to be recorded 
Teste H Hill Clerk

In 1810, Jesse could be found with his young family in Meherrin, Brunswick County, Virginia for the federal census:
Lucy Day 1 f under 10, 1 f 16-25 [21 Oct 1821 Math Daniel married Lucy Day in Brunswick VA]
Polly Day 1 m under 10, 1 f 10-15, 1 f 26-44 [This is undoubtedly Polly Lanier Day who married Lewis Day in 1794.]
Jessee Day 1 m under 10 [Wiley G.], 1 m 10-15 [James], 1 m 26-44 [Jesse], 1 f under 10 [Minerva], 1 f 10-15 [Ellen G.], 1 f 26-44 [Elizabeth], 11 slaves
Jesse Day in the 1810 Census, Brunswick County, Virginia

In 1813, Jesse sold his land in Brunswick County VA:
Day, Jesse to Willie Harrison  1813 Bk 22 p. 202, 321

Day to Harrison
This Indenture made this 28th day of April in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and thirteen between Jesse Day and Elizabeth Day his wife of the County of Brunswick and state of Virginia of the one part and Willis Harrison of the said County and state of the other part Witnesseth that the said Jesse Day and Elizabeth his wife for and in Consideration of the sum of five hundred thirty dollars lawful money of Virginia to them in hand paid the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold aliened and delivered and by these presents doth bargain sell alien and deliver unto the said Willis Harrison his certain attorney his heirs executor admin. or assigns one certain tract or parcel or land situate lying and being in the County of Brunswick and bounded as follows (Vizt) Beginning at a hicory on Edward Thrower’s line No 2 East 62 pole to a corner white oak thence along said Thrower’s line No 50 degrees E 29 pole to a corner sausaphras bunch thence So 80 West at 98 poles crossing Pennington’s road 187 pole to the edge of an old field and corner a rotten stump thence No 83 W 46 poles to a bunch of sausaphras bushes on a small branch thence down the said branch as it meanders to its mouth in little Jenito Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to a sweet gum in John Drummond’s line thence by said Drummond’s line to the old ford of Stick’s Creek where Thrower’s line crosses the said Creek thence along the said Thrower’s line ot the beginning. Containing by survey two hundred and thirty four acres be the same more or less. To have and to hold the said granted land and premises with all its rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said granted land to teh only quiet use and possession of law the said Willis Harrison his heirs and assigns forever will covenant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof we have hereunto sett our hands and affixed our own seals the day and date above written —
Jesse (his  l  mark) Day
Jeff Hardaway
C Cirdle
Richard R Brown
Brunswick County Court November 22, 1813. This Indenture of bargain and sale was acknowledged by Jesse Day party thereto by to be his act and ordered to be recorded. 
Teste   Herbert Hill CBC

The Commonwealth of Virginia To Alexander Walker George W. Claiborne and William Rice gentlemen Justices of the County of Brunswick greeting whereas Jesse Day Elizabeth Day his wife  his wife [sic] by their certain Indenture of bargain & sale bearing date the 28th day of April 1813 have sold & conveyed unto Willis harrison the fee simple estate of 234 acres of land with the appurtenances lying and being in the County of Brunswick and whereas the said Elizabeth Day cannot conveniently travel to our Court of our said County of Brunswick to make acknowledgement of the said Indenture wherefore we do give unto you or any two or more of you power to receive the acknowledgement which the said Elizabeth Day shall be willing to make before you of the conveyance aforesaid contained in the said Indenture and which is hereunto annexed, and we do therefore command you that you do personally go to the said Elizabeth and receive her acknowledgement of the same and examine her privately and apart from the said Jesse Day her husband, whether she doth the same freely & Voluntarily without his persuasions or threats and whether she be willing that the same should be recorded in the County Court of Brunswick aforesaid. And when you have received her acknowledgement and examined her as aforesaid that you do testify plainly and openly Certify us thereof in our said Court under your hands and seals witnessing them there the said Indenture and the said Witness Herbert Hill Clerk of our said Court this 19th day of April 1814 and in the 38th year of our Independence. H. Hill
By Virtue of the within Commission to us directed We the Subscribers have freely examined Elizabeth Day wife of the within named Jesse Day in manner and fource as the said Commission requires and have received her acknowledgement of the Indenture hereunto annexed which said Indenture she acknowledged freely and Voluntarily without his persuasions or threats and that she was willing the same should be recorded in the County Court of Brunswick aforesaid Certifyed and in our hands and seals this 19th day of April 1814. 
A Walker
Geo R Claiborne
Brunswick County Court August 1814
This Commission was witnessed unto Court together with a certificate of the execution thereof and ordered to be recorded. 
Teste  Herbert Hill CBC


It is unknown what precipitated the grand move, but Jesse must have felt the draw of the frontier. There were wide open spaces, and lots of land at bargain prices in the new state of Tennessee. Jesse moved his family to Tennessee about 1813, when he sold his land in Brunswick.

There are no less than three Jesse Days in TN in 1820 (one in Rhea, one in Bledsoe and one in Rutherford County). Our Jesse is the one in Rutherford County, where his daughter Minerva T. Day married John Henry Sumerow on 9 Sep 1820.

In 1820 the family can be found in the US Federal Census in Rutherford, Rutherford County, TN:
Jesse Day 2 m under10 [John L., and unidentified son], 1 m 10-16 [Wiley G.], 1 m 16-26 [James], 1 m 26-45 [Jesse], 1 f 10-16 [Minerva], 1 f 45+ [Elizabeth], 4 persons engaged in agriculture, 1 person engaged in manufacture, Slaves 2 m to 14, 1 m 45+, 2 f to 14, 2 f to 45, 1 f 45+

Jesse Day in the 1820 Census, in Rutherford County, Tennessee

Jesse was involved in several land transactions in Rutherford County TN. The Henry Sumerow listed is his son-in-law, husband of Minerva T. Day:
Rutherford County TN Jesse Day Deeds
Grantor Jesse Day
Thos. Montague  Deed of Trust  M 540
B. Blankenship  Deed  N 256
B. Blankenship  Deed  N 253
Samuel Jones  Deed  O 159
Gurnsey G. Brown  Deed  R 183
Charles Puckett  Deed   R 255
Solomon Beasley  DOT  R 272
Henry D. Jamison  Mortgage  S 78 1838
Henry Sumerow  Deed  S  250

The name Jesse Day cannot be found in the 1830 Census for Rutherford County TN. However, there is a John listed in Rutherford County who is the right age to be Jesse. Though it is uncertain if it is him, it is possible that Jesse was a middle name:
1830 Census Rutherford County TN  Jno Day 1 m under 5, 1 m 5-10, 1 m 20-25, 1 m 50-60, 1 f under 5, 1 f 10-15, 1 f 40-50

"Jon Day" may be Jesse. He appeared in Rutherford County, Tennessee for the 1830 Census.

About 1836, he moved his family to Lauderdale County Tennessee to the far reaches of the western frontier of the day. He purchased land just a few miles east of the Mississippi River, part of the alluvial plane that consisted of pristine cypress forestland. It must have been hard work to clear the land, but the soil was moist and fruitful once the hard work was completed.

In June of 1838, Jesse can be found in several deed records in Lauderdale County TN, where his daughter Minerva and her husband lived. So, he relocated with them to western Tennessee. Two of Jesse's sons can be found in neighboring Dyer County TN in 1830--James and Wiley G. Day.

Lauderdale County TN Jesse Day Deeds
Grantor Jesse Day
John Halliburton   Deed  125a  A 402
Edmund P. Lea  Deed  150a A 235
Jno Halliburton  Deed  125a  A 402
These took place in June of 1838

Shortly thereafter, he moved again, to Fayette County Tennessee, some distance to the east. There he can be found in the 1840 Census:
Jesse Day 1 m 20-29 [this is John Lewis Day.], 1 m 60-69 [This is Jesse]; Slaves 2 m 10-23, 1 f under 10, 1 f 36-54, 1 f 55-99; 6 persons employed in Agriculture

Jesse Day in the 1840 Census in Fayette County, Tennessee

He must have died intestate, or moved yet again, because there are no Days listed in Fayette County Will books 1836-1854, nor did he appear in the 1850 Federal Census. It is assumed that he probably died in Fayette County Tennessee, but his final place of rest has yet to be discovered.

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